Special Educational Needs

"Fitzjohn's is a very special place, which accepts diverse learning needs and gives children the chance to learn, but above all focus on their happiness and confidence."

Y6 parent of a child with an Educational Health Care Plan

Click to Download SEN information report 2024 [pdf 1MB] Click to Download
Click to Download Inclusion Policy (SEND) Revised 2023 [pdf 336KB] Click to Download

Special Educational Needs

Some children may have learning, physical, emotional/social, or communication needs which require special support or provision over the long or short term. Their needs are identified and assessed according to the national code of practice and additional help is provided in school or sometimes from outside agencies for those who need it.

Do you need additional support or advice regarding SEN/D for your child?
You can contact Camden local authority at

Highgate Newtown Community Centre,
25 Bertram street,
London, N19 5DQ
020 7974 6264

What is our school’s Local Offer?
Fitzjohn’s Primary School Local Offer sets out in one place what we provide for children in our school with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN/D) throughout their time with us. Our SEN policy gives more detail about our day-to-day procedures.
Similiarly, Camden Local Authority have produced their own Local Offer which is available on their website http://www.localoffer.camden.gov.uk/

The purpose of the our Local Offer
The purpose of our ‘Local Offer’ is to inform parents and carers about:

  • How we welcome, support and make effective provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – SEN/D;
  • How we include SEN/D children in all aspects of school life and remove barriers to achievement;
  • How we involve parents in decision making about the provision we provide for SEN/D children;
  • How the provision for each child is developed to meet their individual needs.

Please email our Inclusion Manager for a copy of our SEND Policy and our Accessibility Plan.

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Debbie Moss  d.moss@fitzjohns.camden.sch.uk

Our Inclusion Policy is also available via the policy section of our website.

Link: Camden Local Offer